Thursday, May 29, 2008


I don’t mean to come across as one who over spiritualizes everything. However, as Kenny and I study theology and push toward vocational ministry that beckons us from the future with an ever nearer voice, God, and the things He is doing in our lives and in His creation are things that we think about. A LOT. I would even venture to say perhaps that it might be more than the average person. But given the specific call on our little family’s life, should anyone really be surprised? When I write in this blog about things that happen in our lives, or when I write about things I’m thinking about, I’ve realized there always seems to be an undertone or even overtone of spirituality. Instead of apologizing for it, I realized I need to embrace it because that’s who we are… that’s who I am. I am the kind of person who likes to dream about why things are the way they are. Why I’ve met the people I’ve met. Why I’ve had relationships that I’ve had. Why things happen the way they do. I know all have their purposes, and all, in one way or another, shape and mold me now as they always have. I want to look at the pieces of the puzzle and try to fit it together. I like to ponder what the grander scheme of God is that I can’t see from my perched position in the universe. What is He doing? Why does He allow certain things? I enjoy allowing my mind to wander and dream through possibilities and ponder connectivity. I really do approach much of life in this fashion. I didn’t realize this so much before I started a blog, but I more easily see that much of what I write reflects what I think about which is God, His creation, me and my family, and the implications of believing what I do and how it impacts the world for better or for worse.

I just needed to get that off my chest so that if you have any inclination to read this blog, you know exactly what your getting yourself into with continued posts. Ahhh. Okay. Carry on now. Thank you. Buh bye.

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