Sunday, June 1, 2008

the blues

There is something I fine utterly strange about myself. It actually sorta drives me a little nuts and doesn't make a lot of sense. So here it is; I find myself having more blah days in the summer than any other time of the year. I don’t fully understand this. I’ve never really been a person prone to blah-ness, but I’ve found it happening the past couple of years – but really only during the summer. When I was working full time, I never experienced the blahs, but since being a stay-at-home mom, I have. But really only during the summer. Strange, right? So I’ve spent time thinking about this, trying to understand. I have a few ideas. For one, things come to a screeching halt in the summer. I’m not someone who likes to halt. I like a lot going on. I thrive when I have a full plate. I don’t have a full plate in the summer. Everything that usually keeps me busy in the regular school year (yes, I still live by semesters) is done for three or so months. Staying busy helps keep me organized and orderly. When I don’t have much going on I find myself wasting more time doing nothing. This past week was one of those weeks. With Monday looming, I fear next week might be more of the same.

Here is some more weirdness - when my husband gets home from work, all is right with the world again and the blah isn't there. Weekends are also typically really wonderful. Not everyday is blah, it just gets blah if I have nothing going on for several days in a row. I find this all very strange. Don't most people like downtime and freedom to do whatever they want with all their time? And having that option in the summer? I guess I need balance - some work, some play, some schedule, some freedom. I'm concluding that too much of any one thing isn't good... even if that one thing is a good thing.

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