Friday, November 14, 2008


Its dark and cloudy outside. Rainy and cold. It’s the kind of day that melancholy knocks at the window, begging for attention. As I look outside my window, I find the morning serene and beautiful. The weather today won’t keep me inside, watching from afar the death of the fruits and labor of spring. I’m going to step right in the middle of it and breathe it in deeply.

There is nothing like children to remind you how beautiful every day is, in and of itself. Ben will often ask on days like these, “Mommy, is it beautiful outside?” “Yes,” I’ll say. “It is beautiful today.”

The last few months have been extremely busy for me, giving me little time to reflect and finding only moments to ponder and connect the pieces and events of life together. The things that keep me busy during the fall are winding down for the holiday season and won’t pick back up until after. I hope to take these couple of months to spend more time sharing some of the wonderful and some of the more difficult things the past few months have brought. A season of reflection…

I want to teach my son to appreciate each season and day, finding the beauty and glory in them. Even in the most difficult and ugly of days, there is beauty to be found. There is a reflection of glory to be captured. If I want him to learn how to do this, do I not need to be exercising this myself? There is, indeed, beauty and glory in each day, sometimes you just have to look a little harder to find it.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Whoa, that's amazing and poetic. What a wonderful post!