Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This is the road to the church where my husband will serve as director of ministry. You can't see the church from this picture, but it is right underneath the horseshoe break in the very cloudy morning...
I am still here! I feel so cliche to say "we've been so busy," but its just the truth. We are trying to get our home sale-ready, we have been trying to iron out specific dates of moving, which include a long distance truck ride and plane tickets. We were looking for a home to move into, what moving company to go with, how to get the boxes we need to move, how to do the little projects around here to leave the place in good shape for the next person, my husband is graduating seminary this week, we are trying to spend time with friends and family as much as possible before we leave, we are grieving and celebrating simultaneously, AND on top of all that, we are just trying to figure out how to live normally in a very un-normal circumstance. I am not complaining at all, but its a lot of stuff, wouldn't you agree?!

So, my dear readers, I will be around as much as possible to write here, because I have missed those times of outlet and I look forward to their regular return. But for now, I will be more sporadic. Just know that I will pop in as I can, it may not be as regular as before, but know I will excitedly and more regularly return about mid June to early July. Please keep checking in - your time spent reading my jabber means more to me than you know! And, I can't wait to unfold and share the story of how God has done a mighty act in our family, launching us into the wonderful adventure of His calling upon our lives.

"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable." - Romans 11:29

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