Monday, January 25, 2010

the glory of a stay-at-home mom

Before I was a stay-at-home mom/homemaker, I believed life, if I was at home full-time, would be so much more manageable and organized, the family well fed, the home more often clean than not, mail sorted, meals planned, laundry caught up, and life generally orderly. And then I became one.

Fueled by grandiose ideas and illusion, I've still spent a good deal of time trying to accomplish the aforesaid. Why, you may ask? That’s what I said!

The reality is, I've spent more time figuring out rather than implementing how and when to do grocery shopping for the week, how and when to get the laundry done, how to make the bed while my 11-month old opens drawers and pulls out underwear. And all the while the mail piles up for another day as my 4-year old clings to my leg with a low blood sugar meltdown begging for lunch because its been 5 hours since we last ate.


This is what I finally realized after four years of being a stay-at-home mom – IT DOESN’T MATTER. When my babies are grown I don’t want them to say, “Yeah, our mom was preoccupied and haggard, but boy she could take a mean pile of mail and sort the heck out of it.”

So I am making a conscious effort to lower my expectations of me, set realistic goals, and turn my gaze toward my kids.

I mean, who wants to be distracted from this?

Or would even think about missing a second of this?

So if you’ll excuse me for now, I’m going to go make a mess and I’m not even going to clean it up.


Unknown said...

The priority in setting priorities is to prioritize the important priorities in life and then the priority items you thought needed prioritizing fall into place and everything works out. Go with the flow.

Rebecca said...

preach on sistah

preach on

misguidedmommy said...

I was a part time stay at home mom for a while. The only difference I noticed is I always had dinner started earlier and I vacuumed a lot, but that isn't saying much since I have OCD and I vacuum a lot anyway. But your right. I'd much rather have a few dust bunnies then kids who don't remember any fun times with mom when they are older!

Amy said...

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

Unknown said...

Okay, it's been over a week and it's time for a new post. Whazzup?!

Amy said...

I'm drafting one now! Hope to have it done either today or tomorrow.