Sunday, July 20, 2008

no soup for you!

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve just simply become overly sensitive since I’ve gotten older. Other times I wonder if the world missed their meds that morning. But mainly I wonder what the heck has crawled up society’s collective buttocks over the last 10 years that has made everyone so (bleeping) crabby! On any given day, I could easily give a play by play of the idiocy of the general public – especially those from whom I expect some semblance of customer service.

For example, I was recently at a new doctor’s office so I wasn’t immediately privy to how things went down at that particular office. So I did what anyone would have done - I went to the reception desk. As I moved closer looking directly at the woman behind the desk, while no one else was around but us, the receptionist continued to stare lifelessly at her computer screen. “Um, hello…” I said with a trace of question in my voice, “I have a 10:00 appointment for a-” “Sign in right over there,” she answered gruffly and pointing while barely looking up at me from behind her obviously very interesting computer screen. Afterall, not only do receptions receive patrons, they most importantly stare off purposelessly into computer screens, stacks of paper, and/or desk drawers. RUDE!

I could also tell the story of the crabby middle aged man whom we let go in front of us at the Bread Co. even though he was a complete ignoramus. But I won’t lest this turn utterly counterproductive. My point is, why does it seem that everyone is so mean to each other? It seems like everyone feels so entitled and everyone is so distracted by their own entitlement that no one really stops to care for anyone else anymore. If I wasn’t so crabby, I’d work really hard to do something to change it.

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