Well, we made it. We've been living in the mountains for over a month. How I've longed many times to get back to blogging, but we are trying to figure out how to make my therapeutic personal time via blogging work. You see, we have the computer upstairs and I haven't figured out a way to blog during dear daughter's nap time without waking her. That's when I usually blogged before and it worked beautifully - the computer was far from her room before. We're trying to make something work. Hopefully I'll be back in full force soon. Just wanted to pop in and let you know what's going on. I have these grandiose ideas of writing out the whole story of how we ended up here... over the course of several weeks, of course. I hope those ideas become reality before I forget the whole story! Oh... and if you have any interest in commenting, I invite anyone who desires to do so. You just click on the "comments" section and you can leave one anonymously or you can click on "name/url" and put your name on it. I'm way out here in the mountains alone with the grizzlies and my husband and kids - words from other humans are highly encouraged! :-)
planning to return soon....